HEC Tasks

The Higher Education Council manages issues related to Higher Education and in particular:

  1. Preparing the overall strategic policy of higher education and scientific research.
  2. Proposing the establishment of public higher education institutions in the Kingdom and endorsing fields of specialization and their amendments.
  3. Setting the general criteria for universities’ admission.
  4. Considering changes and amendments to higher education laws and regulations in light of the national policy in the Kingdom.
  5. Considering the difficulties and challenges facing higher education and suggesting means to overcome them.
  6. Setting criteria and conditions of licensing for all forms of higher education institutions.
  7. Issuing resolutions of academic, administrative and financial regulations for higher education institutions.
  8. Providing Licensure to establish higher education institutions in accordance to the overall plan for higher education based on the licensing conditions issued by the higher education council.
  9. Creating coordination between higher education institutions and scientific research entities and public education institutions and seek to achieve greater integration between them.
  10. Looking at annual reports issued by higher education institutions and government agencies regarding performances of higher education institutions in order to take appropriate recommendations to enhance performances in these institutions.
  11. Providing the cabinet with annual reports regarding higher education and scientific research situations and making the appropriate recommendations in this regards.
  12. Following up on Higher Education Institutions and monitoring their programs as well as the supportive services and quality of their performances and outputs along with its financial situation.
  13. Encouraging private investments in higher education sector. 

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